Friday, December 10, 2010
tp sayang nya nak tinggal hidup yg lama.
now,aku bekerja. yg lain ke mana pon taktahu.
Aku rindu sgt sgt.
Hidup yg serious sgt memenatkn tp aku suka sbb rasa tanggungjawab.
Aku dah tak boleh jd kakak utk SOULYS lg.
Apa la yg akan jadi nanti.
Hidup aku now sgt boring.
Yg dekat terasa jauh. Yg sepatutnya Sweet dah tak brapa nak sweet sgt.
Buat aku rindu yg lepas-lepas.
Tiap2 hari aku cari salah sendiri.
Nak betulkan apa yg salah ,nak belajar dr yg terlepas..
So that tak jadi bosan sgt.
Tp tak ada siapa nak tolong.
Aku dah tak kuat
and aku tak boleh nak buat semuanya sorang.
tP aku bersyukur masih ada yg igt and masih ada yg nampak aku.
=) Alhamdulillah
Thursday, November 11, 2010
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
Thanks to my beloved baby,friends and family.
i had my precious and quality time on my birthday,3rd OCT 2010.
It was my first time in my life for this proper celebration.
I was shocked!!! You're the best!
i'm SPEECHLESS on this and i just can smile.
The sweetest part of my life's story.
Thanks peeps!!!!!! <3 youuuuuu!!!



Wednesday, September 29, 2010
getting older.
more responsibilities.
more efforts.
critically emotional.
but good things came into my life makes me stronger.
hey there, sorry for been quiet all this while.
do you wanna know what's happening?
i've been blessed in peace. but need to concentrate more on revisions.
happiness makes me blind about other important things.

cool enough to be together. Pray for us.
Need to be more understanding..
you gave me lights,makes me g=GLOW.
lots of LOVE <3
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
Tuesday, August 3, 2010
nothing vs. everything.
look around,
calm down and open up your mind and eyes.
bigger and wider.
realize that you only lost one thing. but you still have millions.
they're your friends and family.
what you need to do is:
1. overcoming your disbelief,give your heart to others.
2.overcoming fear,you're scared with yourself. Realize that everyone still love you.
3.replacing fear with hope. replace your own fear with beautiful hopes.
then only you can stand back straight and walk,
show it to them!!
tell them that one day you gonna walk in front of them without stop and words.
they left you because they do not deserve to know you better than yourself.
build your own empire..
learn harder and deeper.
make yourself knowledgeable.
Monday, August 2, 2010
valuabe secret. =)
white is natural.
but im into rainbow colors.
im seeking for a huge field,up on a mountain.
fulled of flowers.
can YOU help me to find this place?
can't imagine how beautiful it will be..
and feel the peace of life.
many BUTS...
im more into black.. can't survive alone. need a person who can neutralized me.
CHEMISTRY, yeah it's important to find out to know wether we need each other.
but about this precious place,i want it to be secret..tell me slowly bout it.
don't tell anybody.. i hate to be in a place which is too crowded.
if you can keep this secret place,then we can cooperate..
after that,we can put our faith between us.
you know who you are.. Shhhh ... keep it shut.
you can catch y words,can't you? so do I ..towards you.
rare to find,CANDY.
Tuesday, July 6, 2010
the more....
The more you stick with it, the more you sick..
The more you hope for it,the easier you'll get crazy..
The more you concern, the more you'll get frustrated..
The more you link,the more you'll get swing..
The more you love,the more you'll think bout it..
The more you hate, the easier you escape..
The more you hunt,the more you run..
Everything is a bout PLUS and MINUS..
I gave you PLUS, and I want it to be TIMES by.
Avoid from DIVIDE because I will get less.
<3 yaya.
Thursday, June 17, 2010
But its related to someone which don't want to help.
But they have responsibilities on you.
But they still don't wanna help.
What do you feel?
If that person is your lovely mum.?? Or your rawk father?
Hope one day, you'll open up both of your heart and look at my sad face.
I don't mind because I'm steady and still alive.
But a bit shocked because you've changed!
Nemind I'll keep myself up to give something for both in one else can make it for you anymore. Only me,always care. Always appreciate,always remember.
Mum,dad, I don't mind if I'm hurt.because I don't wanna mess up your mind.
Please keep loving me,everywhere eventhough we're far far away.
P/s: I LOVE YOU. <3
Friday, June 4, 2010
time for flowers..
im thankful..!!
have u met someone before this yg sgt sgt teruk ??
and suddenly after few years cari you then share everything about his/her probs with you?
then bila you keep supporting him/her,dia start rasa tertarik dgn you??
and suddenly this time dia buat betul betul and work for real utk you??
damn BAHAGIA kan???
HOW i wish to have this kind of person.
now i belajar something that tak semestinya sekarang dia jahat,but lg beberapa tahun later dia tetap jahat. i mean, NAKAL.
just wait and be patient.
orang sekarang kurang sabar nampaknya.
keep in mind,PEOPLE CHANGED. from time to time.
agak lama utk menunggu but if its WORTH,apa salahnya kan?
mcm awk kumpul duit nak pegi VEGAS dr sekarang sanggup makan keropok ikan tiap tiap hari.
but it's not easy. need to learn more. after all these years i've drown in tears.
but now hopefully it will be less. mustahil utk buang tangisan jauh jauh.
well well.
looks who's smiling now??
thanks GOD. Alhamdulillah.
Sunday, May 30, 2010
it was fun kan?? everyday ade je benda nk buat and gelak gelak..
tak payah fikir pasal benda lain..
pusing balik masa aku menangis dapat belajar jauh jauh sayang nak tinggalkan sekolah..
i wish i could stop the time so taht i'll be in my special memories and it will never ever fade away.
now masing masing dah ada life sendiri..
nk ajak jalan jalan pon dah susah..
awek marah la,bf marah la..
wtf? aku kenal dorang dulu kot.
aku pon ada bf but cool je..
hmmm..maybe sebab diorang tu lucky ada orang yg diorang sayang depan mata.
damn aku ni mcmana? sabar je lah..
kawan baik pulak,lebih sayang bf dari kawan.
BFF vs. BF tu memeang betol kan??
haissshhhhh.. masing masing punya perangai aku xfaham kenapa.
time mula mula masuk kolej dulu pon best.. ada je benda nk plan..
but now masing masing nk buat plan,kene ada dia tu,kena ada dia ni..
masalah masalah.. BF mmg tak boleh berenggang kan?
nk GIRLS DAY OUT pon tak boleh..
and ada juga benda yg kita taknak face lg,tiba tiba dtg buat kita serabut..argghhh..
damn lah..
but what to do..
we live to die but what for we live eventhough we already know that we gonna die.???
all my life i've been waiting for..
daydreaming all the time.

he used to be my SUGARDADDY and im his CANDY GIRL.
i never met anyone like you.
now i see, this is the way love suppose to be.
i never want you to leave because you gave me 'E'.
stands for an addiction so that i'll always come back for more addictions.
oh baby i know that i can't live without you in my life.
oh baby i just do all the thing which is right.
why do i feel this way in my life?
why can't i just run and hide myself.
but i can see i don't deserve to feel your touch,i can see it now..,to feel your love,to have your kiss.
maybe i don't deserve you but i can't live without you in my life.
Saturday, May 29, 2010
push push push!
is it fair for me?
i hate myself though.
i've messed uo everything.
damn i am REGRET.
please gimme one more chance but please treat me nicely because im not sure till when i can stand this pain.
back to the start..
did you cried? a lot?
how many days you didn't eat?
oh my god it's my fault and i messed up everything!
how can i make it better than before?
please give me chances so that i can prove it to you that i ain't that type.
i know that yuo're disappointed with me.
im stupid.!
how come i can let my beloved one to be alone waiting for my sms??
god please help me.
i wanna get him.
lack of time now .
need to find ideas to make him okay.
fucking shit i hate to hurt somebody.
love you always.
Monday, May 24, 2010
get get get.
know bout it,details,closer,much closer,stick....
follow up...
then search for it...
you've failed,you're down...
slap your face....
energize your thoughts...make it powerful.. then only you can send some charges on your body to move.
now,move your body...keep moving...wait,there's a hole and its a trap..
jump!! then keep walking.. walk ! walk! walk! continuosly..
that thing is moving faster..
then you need to speed up to catch it...
almost there and GRABBBB!!! then,its time to express your feelings.
hug it...kiss it.... look at the mirror,there's a smile on your face.
workhard to get what you want..
don't just think without doing something.
chances are everywhere..
its wether you can see or not.
what's happening??
i bet no one at home. then i opened the door by using my own key.
i went to mum's room then i saw daddy's lying on his bed.
then i asked, 'daddy,where's mummy?'. he said my mum went out for her business.
hmmmmm.. my mum always busy lately till she got no time for family.
then im wondering where's my siblings?
there's outside too?
*sigh* like usual my bro,busy with his music stuff. sissy,chasing her DREAM GUY.
lil bros with their games.
then what now?? i feel like im just a BIG STICK in front of them,STATIC.
damn this house supposed to be a very good producer of NOISE.
but now it seems like so QUIET.
step 1,2 and 3.
i called my pals to fetch me up,have some fun with them.
hopefully later i'll have some ideas to put a light in my house.
to mak a GOOD COMBINATION between bonds.
and mum,stop crying everytime u're tired because im too tired to hear that annoying sounds of yours.
but poor you.
no worries, i still love you.
fofo= she's working.
the rest, doing their SHORTCOURSE.
=) we're missing each other badly.
but need to accept everything.
love you guys!
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
circles of CROWD.
too much thinking?
but what am i thinking though?
okay okay..
again, im telling you the truth.
mum,please understand's hard for me to live in penang without transport.
i don't wanna create a fight.
my car is damn broke.
please think wisely and tell your HUSBAND that he need to put a bit care on this.
ABOUT this one person.
SOMETIMES he's sweet and caring but sometimes no.
i don't know what is in his mind.
i already put you in my SCANNER&TRACE machine..
so,i heard a lot about you and i am ACCEPTING the past.
when im feeling a bit down and far from your heart,i'll cure myself by this song.
CHERYL COLE- FIGHT FOR THIS LOVE. ( this is for you,Lovely H.R)
its about my sister. We're getting a bit different and im feeling weird when im with you. YOU'VE CHANGED!! to what??? i dont even know who you are but please,IT'S OBVIOUS!
and,don't get to soft for that guy yah.
when you're alone you'll chase me like damn freak.
but when you got someone, you'll forget me like damn easy,man .
OH FOR GOD SAKE!! gimme back my sissy!!
bro, you should take care of your marriedge.
i love her too and no worries,SHE'S ACCEPTED PERFECTLY!!
and please come back home always yah.
a good starting for my holidays.
im sorry if i've done my things alone without telling you the truth.
i just dont wanna make it hard.
i can do it by myself and i wont mess you up with my stupid things.
I LOVE YOU ALL,always and i think its forever.
i hope you've put the same feelings in your heart,ladies!
i got them all and ready to dressed up!!!
p/s= HE'S COMING THIS WEEKEND. ngeeee....♥

And....HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY MUMMY!hope you've enjoyed those PIZZAs!

LASTLY.... WE'RE SOoooo DAMN 'C'!!

Saturday, May 8, 2010
Wednesday, May 5, 2010
confessions ön earth. .
Thursday, April 1, 2010
Wednesday, March 31, 2010
im confused.
don't gimme hopes which are fake.
i'll keep shut til you ask.
i never ask you to start.
you made the 1st step and you made the 1st move to leave.
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
a god friend.
but i ain't comfort with you anymore.
sms everyday,dinner together,
dats not a friend though.
it's a sign of special relationship.
you're just my friend..
please,i can love anybody but not you.
im hiding at the back f my mask.
i don't want to be rude.
you've crossed the line of frienship.
gettong emo if i didn't reply any of your sms..
it's not good to build a fight.
why don't you just relax and cool down.
chill .. chill.
you're a guy.
don't be like a child who always complained.
look,i got my own things to do.
don't you have a life to be done smoothly,huh??
chill chill.
you're still my friend. but i don't know what do you feel aite now.
im just an ordinary person who can see those smiles.
but can't trace up the pain inside you.
don't make me wanna buzz off,man,
it will be worse.
thank you.
Friday, March 26, 2010
semua nya salahkan dia...
dia hanya berkata based on her past .
yang nak berdebat sangat kenapa.
semua nya nak pegang piala 'PERFECT'!
hambek lah piala tu letak liquor then g MABS!
menyampah bila orang nak emo then terus berkelakuan takda adab.
yang pelik nya...
mereka LELAKI..
tak kira lah apa pun yg kau nak cakap..
setiap orang mesti genggam satu perkara yg selalu mereka ingat.
ingat senang ke nak lepas??
jangan nak salah kan dia jd mcmni..
dia jadi baik sebab dia berfikir bout past..
dia jadi jahat pon sebab based on dia punya past la..
semua nya sebab PAST.
suka2 je ckp, 'LUPAKAN BENDA LEPAS.'
kalau benda lepas tu MCM KAU PINJAM AKU RM1 BOLEH LA..
tu pon tak boleh fikir??
bukan dia nak jd kejam..
tp dia memang kalau suka orang pon akan diam..
kau nak salahkan dia sebab DIA MEMANG DIRI DIA???
so,KAU PERGI CARI MINAH PLASTIC yg pegang piala 'fake'!!
dulu dan sekarang.

we were happy last time..
5 of us.. can't you see those smiles on their faces..
they're sweet and fun..
fulled of joy .
but now, what'S wrong with me??

LOOK at her...
she's alone...
see her FACE.
she's ALONE!!
she can't smile.
she can't see the light.
what wrong with her...
......nothing to say..ZZZzzzzZZZ..
Thursday, February 25, 2010
tidak akan jd soft.
nk jd lembut buat apa?jalan mcm sotong,
rambut kena wave2,pipi kene letak blusher banyak2.
kalau aku ni one of judges yang boleh komen ikot suka,
aku akan tanya 'kau nak pegi mana ni?'
pelik aku.orang kasar tak semestinya hati tak baik..
luar kasar,dalam pula?
fofo and aku aja yang tahu.
aku melihat,ramai yang nk berkawan dgn si lemah longlai.
tp bg aku mereka mcm sakai.
aku lg respect mereka kasar,tidak fake,
yg paling cool,orang tak akan perasan mereka utk di jadikan kawan.
padahal mereka lah yg terbaik utk dijadikan kawan.
betol tak fo?
Monday, February 22, 2010
be alert.
because serious person will always be serious inside herself!!!
Sunday, February 21, 2010
never ever..
so,just walk away..make a step.
in life,don't waste too much time on waiting for your dream boy.
he will never understand.
in life,you'll end your life with actions...the last one..
and not your thoughts.
if you only have few hours to live,you will follow your heart to meet precious human.
you'll ignore your thoughts.
please please ladies..
don't make it harder..
make it easier..
once he says no,then remind yourself always to accept the word,'NO'.
this is true...
UNLIMITED POWER is totally hard to be owned if you keep waiting for something which is nothing and useless.
look at myself now...
i've made big mistakes..
and now,i don't want that anymore..
when a lady enter their next destination of life,
they will behave and take a good care of herself for something which is priceless.
we aren't weak..but we're huge..huge thoughts make us faster..
faster than you,GUYS.
don't ever think that we just keep our mouth shut..
deep inside,
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
i wont be down without it.
im stronger without it.
im going up without it.
im cool without it.
i don't care about it.
i don't mind about it.
but am i happy without it?
i'm not sure but at least i'm trying to survive without it.
i ain't lonely without it.
i ain't cry without it.
it's easier without it.
no pain without it.
f**k it!
Tuesday, February 9, 2010
It’s a sunny day.
My dream is to be tanned, gold tanned under the sunshine beside the beach. Accompany with pineapple juices, few friends besides me, doing the same things.
Afternoon, inside the `cruise’ and have our virgin marry. Take our lunch, make friends. We arrived here in three but we make thirty new friends. Awchh! What kind of people do you expect on that huge cruise?
The first person will answer my question is shima zainal.
One day, I will make this real J
p/s: I love dreaming. Yaya suka berangan
take a note: its one of our target. Nothing is impossible. You can do whatever you like. With a high spirit, you will automatically run to it. You are moving towards it young girl. Move faster, push yourself. Stand up. Straight!
My dad will be proud of me.
Thumbs up!

Friday, February 5, 2010
time to time.
to live in peace.
to keep my smile permanently.
to fill up zeros inside me.
to stand up still on the ground.
to take care of them.
sometimes,im proud of myself.the way i faught with my own fear,out of my expectation.
it's not easy aspecially when you're dealing with your feelings.
talk and talk and talk to myself til i hate the 'old me'.
i've been through the dark side of my,nothing can bring me down there.
again and forever.
thank,someone who will never ever I forget.
thanks again for your good advises.
you're good.really good.
i appreciate it.
=) im giving you thousands of wont be fade.just keep me smile then i will.
hottest bitches are everywhere.
do whatever they wanna do.
like they care what people gonna say.
guys love to seek for chicks.
hotter much better.
then what the opposite one must do to make people see them.
melepaskan dan memulakan.
tak pernah lagi ada kaum adam yang memahami aku selain abang.
memulakan benda baru pada saat ini.
takda lah membazir air liur mereka yg bg nasihat tu.
nak buat atau taknak.
nk jd tikus atau nak jd giant.
aku prefer hulk.sebab dia still ada perasaan walaupun badan dah jadi hijau.
aku suka ,aku tunjuk,tp aku tak cakap apa-apa.
better shut than take any risks.
kehidupan sekarang bermula dengan perlahan.
orang baru telah muncul utk menjaga seorang yang perlukan jawapan utk semua persoalan.
bukan mcm org tu.orang tanya,Takut nk jawab .
then nk marah-marah.
haish.tak paham aku..
warna biru..
terima kasih sebab teman.
cara negatif tak berguna.
tak dalah menyakitkan hati sapa2.
aku tak buat apa2 tp bila kau ckp mcmtu,aku rasa tempias kena kat aku juga.
aku tak bermaksud apa2.
cuma nak bgtahu jgn ingat kau kenal org 5 tahun,kau dah kenal dia luar dalam.
WAHAI kamu,
Manusia berubah dari semasa ke semasa.mcm diri kau juga.
kau dulu lain,sekarang kau lg lain..
kau tak sedar?apa yang hasut kau sebenarnya?
aku tak minta pendapat atau kritikan.
cuma ingin berbahasa.
hormat orang adalah satu cara,
cara kau ?
cakap bertapis.bahasa kau yang 'Celah kelengkang' tu terbaik sangat.
buat wa hangat aja.
kau ckp dengan perempuan,penghias dunia,penghias segalanya.
kalau kau tak gay,kau pon sayang wanita.
tolong faham.banyak bersabar.
fikir banyak banyak betul ke cara kau.
aku rasa apa yang kau buat,kau dah sedar semuanya SALAH BELAKA.
Thursday, February 4, 2010
kau fikir apa yg kau cakap?.
kalau nk fikir masa depan,mereka fikir ke hadapan.
orang matang takkan lari dari masalah.
face to face and settle it in a good way.
orang matang mencipta kedamaian.
orang matang bencikan peperangan.
tak kira yg salah ataupun yg betol,kalau dah rase matang,pimpin lah si tak matang.
kau rasa kau fikir macamni ke?
if kau tak salah,jgn takot and jangan goyang.
mak kau matang tak??
sbb mak kau matanag lah dia akan bilang:
biar orang buat kita .jgn kita balas.Allah maha besar.
jangan peduli apa orang kata..
tp disebabkan kau rasa kau dah matang sgt,
hati kau berkata 'takkan aku nk biarkn mereka pijak aku..tak boleh jadi ni.'
wahai kaum adam,
mereka kelihatan kebudak-budakkan.
tp aku lebih mengenali mereka.kau takkan sangka ayat yg mereka akan keluarkn untuk aku rasa hidup kembali selepas jatuh dari tebing dunia.
orang matang takkan ckp dia matang.bahkan aku sendiri tak tahu aku ni dah matang ke belum..orang di luar yg melihat dan merasa.kita hanya berfikir dan bertindak ikut cara pemikiran kita.
kalau engkau tak boleh face,jgn buat langsi atau sial sbb ini hanya menyusahkn diri kau dan menjatuhkan manusia sesama sendiri.
KALAU KAU FIKIR MASA DEPAN,KAU TAHU APA ITU KARMA..!ini hanya kepercayaan tapi dalam agama,bermaksud BALASAN CASH DI DUNIA.