Monday, May 24, 2010

get get get.

if you wanna get something...

know bout it,details,closer,much closer,stick....
follow up...
then search for it...

you've failed,you're down...
slap your face....
energize your thoughts...make it powerful.. then only you can send some charges on your body to move.

now,move your body...keep moving...wait,there's a hole and its a trap..
jump!! then keep walking.. walk ! walk! walk! continuosly..
that thing is moving faster..
then you need to speed up to catch it...

almost there and GRABBBB!!! then,its time to express your feelings.
hug it...kiss it.... look at the mirror,there's a smile on your face.

workhard to get what you want..
don't just think without doing something.
chances are everywhere..
its wether you can see or not.


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