My dream is to be tanned, gold tanned under the sunshine beside the beach. Accompany with pineapple juices, few friends besides me, doing the same things.
Afternoon, inside the `cruise’ and have our virgin marry. Take our lunch, make friends. We arrived here in three but we make thirty new friends. Awchh! What kind of people do you expect on that huge cruise?
The first person will answer my question is shima zainal.
One day, I will make this real J
p/s: I love dreaming. Yaya suka berangan
take a note: its one of our target. Nothing is impossible. You can do whatever you like. With a high spirit, you will automatically run to it. You are moving towards it young girl. Move faster, push yourself. Stand up. Straight!
My dad will be proud of me.
Thumbs up!

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