adoiyai nia sayang,tag saye..kene tag itu leceh.wuhuu
1. What is your full name?
2. Names that people call you?
3. Born date/place?
03rd octoBER.
4. Your fav color and why?
5. Quality you seek in a guy/girl?
hahaha..already hav a guy laa.
List it!
1. 5 of your fav hangouts and why.
bookshops..-cari buku cantik2-..
kalo kat penang,noodle station.. -tempat utk ketenangan-.
2. 5 of your fav guys and why.
daddy..-daddy rock-
hamie..-love him-
abg alan..-miss him-
adek fahmi..-memberi keceriaan-
dan hamie lg. .-everything 4 me-
3. 5 of your fav things to do.
4. 5 of your fav tracks.
anything yg boleh membuat ku senyum. .
5. Go ahead, tag 5 people.
niaa lg..
niaa lg..ahahhaa
1. Your phone.
pari pariku..
2. Your bed.
yeah!!my castle!!
3. Your room.
is my palace.. where i put all my secrets.
4. Yourself.
people hate me.. n people also love me..
5. Your addiction.
him wif honesty,loyal..n aaaahhh!!anything which is good..
by= YAYA
Saturday, December 20, 2008
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
isiku. .
- yah..kamu dah cukup comel dah..
- rupa?ku xpernah risau pasal itu..
- hati kamu?? sgt2 baik nye alahai,,
- layanan mu? excellent!!
- attitude mu? manje sgt2.
- gelaran mu? baby..
- kegilaan ku tentangmu? bila kamu makan..
- keistimewaan? senyuman mu..
- keyakinan? kejujuran mu..
- kesukaan mu? bersama ku..
- kesedihan? berjauhan dgn mu.
- warna mu? hitam..
- hitam? misterious,unique,tersirat..
- kelainan? tiada yg lebih dr kamu..
Sunday, December 14, 2008
you. .
you ajar mcmane nk bersabar. .
You ajar mcmane nk lpaskn. .
You ajar mcmane nk memaafkn. .
You ajar mcmane nk redha. .
You ajar mcmane nk relax mase tgh marah. .
You ajar mcmane x jd pendendam n stay together no matter what. . thanx for everything faizhamie.
You ajar mcmane nk lpaskn. .
You ajar mcmane nk memaafkn. .
You ajar mcmane nk redha. .
You ajar mcmane nk relax mase tgh marah. .
You ajar mcmane x jd pendendam n stay together no matter what. . thanx for everything faizhamie.
Monday, November 3, 2008
SeBeLum di SaLai daN diGoLek. .

haha..ini lah kawan2..chill je kn muke babi nih?
siap minum2 lg...padahal dye xtawu yg dye nk kene salai n nk buat babi golek..
agaknye babi ni ngah mabok kot..ahahha.
cian babi nih..mmg x behave la fow.
ko mmg x aja la babi2 ko nih supaya bersopan..ahahaha.
xreti nk takot mcm fofo..
cian je kn?
sbnanye babi peliharaan fofow nih ade dua ekor..
tp xpe lah..xde beza pon rupe paras mereka..da mcm kembar eh..mmg kembar pon!!
ahahahaha...cian babi2 nih..agak kasar la aku aku tatwu aku ni menujukn pade siapa..
sape mkn cili,dye la yg trase pedas!
ini mengundang peperangan...jeng jeng jeng!!
chilla chilla chilla qa!!
ilek2...wa grak dulu....nanty kene boom!!
Sunday, November 2, 2008
keceriAaN AKU. .

- ini lah keceriaan aku... mcm biase lah..fofo,hihiy,ass and mamaQ..
- aku sgt sayang kn doang sbb doang yg slalu menceriakn aku..
- kami mcm xleh bergaduh..mesti mahu gelak..
- nk discuss serious pon agak susah sbb kami ini mempunyai high kebebalan yg teramat..
- fofo itu mastermind kami...mamaQ itu tukang tambah..
- hihiy tukang gElak..aku tukang batu api..n ass..mcm biase la budak shah alam..mestilah tukang marah..
- ahahaha..doang ni sgt2 kelakar..
- walopon aku trase mcmane skalipon,aku xboleh nk marah sgt ngan doang nih..
- kami sgt sgt2 kautim giler kami x makan babi salai..
- n kami normal..kami jalan dgn normal..bukan merangkak ataupon bergulek serta bergolek..
- ahaha..
- to hihiy: btol la hiy..ko makin ayu la hiy..sumpah aku xtipu!!
- n aku harap,kite berkekalan..walo ape pon yg terjadi..ok sahabat?
- hohoho... sayang korang weh!!!!!!
Friday, October 31, 2008
aku x tawu aku ni sbenanye kenape....aku ni melampau ke?ade org terase dgn aku ke?or aku yg trase dgn seseorang tp aku xtahu nk ckp mcmne..
ade org tipu aku ke?or aku yg tipu org?tp kn,ape yg aku tipu?
hmmmmm...keliru2..kawan2 baikku buat lawak,xpnah aku x gelak..
tp nape arini tibe2 aku xboleh nk gelak sgt...nape yeh?
aku moody ke??tp pasal ape?
aku pon x tahu...
keliru kn?
mmg aku happy ngan idup aku skang ni..
tp btol ke aku happy?
kalo happy,nape mcmni?
tp aku mmg happy..
keliru x?
aku risau pasal exam ke?tp still ade mase nk study..
aku pnat sgt ke?tp aku just buat assignment je arini..
nape ngan aku ek?
aku ngah sedih ke?tp aku rase xde ape yg nk sedih2..
aku sunyi ke?tp aku ade fam,bestie n dia..
smuanye cukup..ape lg?
keliru x?
adehhhh..nape ngan aku nih..
Sunday, October 26, 2008
- i start by opening my mind and my heart.
- i commit myself to the daily use of the tools that i have provided with,and strive to become more aware of the amazing synchronicity that already existsin my life.
- i sweep away any lingering negative thoughts or emotions.
- sweep away any doubt.
- and take actions each and every day that will move myself toward my purpose and the fulfillment of your dreams.
siMpLe invOcaTion. .
in seeking to transform my life,
i ask for guidance and clarity,
i ask that i find my purpose,my mission in life,
i ask for divine inspiration,
i ask to be of service,
i ask for help in releasing any old negative or limiting thought patterns,
i ask that my thoughts and actions unfold for the greater good of all people,
i ask that miracles unfold not only in my own life,but in the lives of others,
i am thankful,
i ask for peace,
i ask for harmony,
i ask to make difference in the world..
i ask for guidance and clarity,
i ask that i find my purpose,my mission in life,
i ask for divine inspiration,
i ask to be of service,

i ask for help in releasing any old negative or limiting thought patterns,
i ask that my thoughts and actions unfold for the greater good of all people,
i ask that miracles unfold not only in my own life,but in the lives of others,
i am thankful,
i ask for peace,
i ask for harmony,
i ask to make difference in the world..
Friday, October 17, 2008
ini lah mereka yg sebenar...reality..keke
inilah fofo yg menawan..ahaa..beb!!dye ni sempoi siot..hohohoo..weh aku sayang giler kat ko beb..ahaa!!!ni la teman lpak aku serta 3 org lagi.smuanye berlainan character tp smua masuk otak..hoho..pelik sgt kn?itulah dunia..keke..
inilah mamaq..mcm kakak kami..dye slalu marah org..ahaaa..gamba ni sgt2 berlainan dgn perangai nye yg sgt dye baik woo..ahaaa..ok la aku xnk ckp byk nanty dye marah aku .kahkah..
ay bay bay!!ni la adek bradek akuh..bju biru tu akuh..yg laki tuh abg akuh..namenye ALAN..yg si pendek tuh kakak dye yana..keke.
- kitoang sgt loving taw..jgn jeles bile koang xleh bezakn aku ni gf or adek kpade abg aku..kehkeh..
- aku sgt sayang adek bradek aku..kitoang sgt rapat n xde rahsie taw di antara kami di dalam idup yg palat nih.
- sbnanye aku ade lg 2 adek mereka tu xleh di dedahkn sbb nanty doang lg famou dr kami bertiga sbb doang sgt comel..kekkekee,,
- aku mmg xleh idup tanpe abg n kakak aku nih...doang slalu support aku..abg aku slalu cancel show n lambat g show sbb,jgn salahkn abg akuh..tu pon sbb emergency..
- abg aku xkn bia aku sendiri..tu sbb dye sanggup wat ape je utk snangkn aku..
- hohohho...sekian,trima kasih!!

n dr kecik rasenye mcm xpnah rase la kawan2 baik aku skang kat penang..
aku enjoy kawan ngan doang sbb doang ni je yg boleh buat aku lupe masalah2 negare yg
ade dalam pale hotak aku ni.agak2 r hiy lukis pic aku..badan aku yg agak sehat ni ko lukis mcm lidi..ahaa
dlm gamba ni,:
- mamaQ: maq ni slalu aku mesti dnga suare dye dulu,baru aku nmpak dye..kahkah..sbb suare dye rock n roll.dye skang da agak insaf.kot!ahahhaa...dye lah kepale chaos n salahkn dye di atas kekecohan yg kitoang berlime da,dye baik sbnanye..dye slalu backup akuh!ahahahahaha..
- FoFo: fo ni pulak minah blurr yg sempoi..dye ni mmg stoner sejati r...kepale dye mmg gile masuk air..ape2 pon yg dye cakap,mesti lain kedengarannye..ahaa!!itulah fofo..ahaha...n dimane ade dye,di situ ade aku..kehkeh..ko seorang kawan yg baik ar foo...ahaaa.
- hihiey: dye ni mmg minah x reti cover tahap magkok tingkat laa..ahaa...dye ni mmg slalu start kekecohan..ahaha..n kekecohan yg dye buat tu mmg menjadi je..xpnha lg x jd...ahaa...n dye sgt2 direct..kehkeh..muke mmg xde prasaan punye org..keke..tiade dye,tiade kekecohan..keke..
- Ash: ash ni sgt lembot orgnye...sopan n style taw...dye sgt baik n mcm kakak kitoang..ahaha..dye slalu malu kalo kitoang buat bende2 bodo padahal dye pon join buat bende tuh..hey hey..dye sgt suke niger tyle..kekke..sempoi r lu ash..
- yg ujung tu akuh la orgnye...aku x la sekurus mcm tuh..ahaaa..lukisan ni byk menipu tp ciri2 tu x lari la..ahaaa...kwn2 aku ni smua cukup sifat sbenanye..keke..termasuk kucing fofo tuh..ahaa..
- **ni la mereka yg aku sayang dalam dunia baru akuh ni..hoho***
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